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We live in a time when there is confusion in human identity, confusion in values at personal, national and global level.

Today, human identity, value of life, family values are replaced by liberal humanist ideas.

The time has come for us – medics, teachers, lawyers, politicians, NGO representatives, church leaders and all those who have the truth burning in their hearts – to meet in a common discussion, to listen to each other – to recognize the struggles we have to face from the representatives of each industry, maybe the mistakes made and listen to the experiences of other countries, understand the time and understand what to prepare for, what strategies to create in the future battles, maybe get new supporting arguments to use in our everyday life and most importantly – to realize that we are not alone, that there are many brave persons who speak, stand up, believe and do not give up.

It’s time to look at the situation both through a spiritual and through a practical and professional prism – to meet and get to know those persons with whom we are on the same team, and whom we might not otherwise be able to meet in our everyday life.

I invite everyone for whom it is important to maintain their own and their organization’s position on issues that affect the identity of human being created in the image and likeness of God, position on issues that affect family values, to join this conference.

Looking forward passionately to seeing us together!

Aiga Rotberga
Head of the Christian Medical Association


(simultaneous translation will be available throughout the conference)

Päivi Räsänen (Finland)

Finnish politician. The chairwoman of the Christian Democrats from 2004 to 2015, the Minister of the Interior of Finland between 2011 and 2015. Physician, married, mother of 5 children.

Niilo Pekka Räsänen (Finland)
theologian doctor and a principal of the Bible college (Finnish Lutheran Mission).

René Ecochard (France)
Research physician and epidemiologist,
professor emeritus at Claude Bernard University in Lyon,
a specialist in reproductive biology – co-author of several scientific publications,
past three years devoted himself to the neuroscientific foundations of anthropology in recent years,
father of 4 children.

Gintauts Vaitoska (Austria)
Professor of the International Theological Institute in Trumau (Austria), director of the Marriage and Family Master’s study program, author of many books on family relations, psychiatrist by first education, worked at the Vilnius Family Center as a consultant on family relations issues.

Jeffrey J. Barrows

DO, MA (Ethics) serves as Senior Vice President of Bioethics and Public Policy for the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. He has dedicated 15 years of his career fighting human trafficking within the intersection of trafficking and healthcare. In 2008, Dr. Barrows founded Gracehaven, an organization assisting victims of domestic minor sex trafficking in Ohoio.He has been married to Kathy for 46 years with 3 grown children and three grandchildren.

Per Ewert

The director of The Clapham Institute, Sweden’s leading Christian think tank and research institute. He defended his PhD thesis about the political process which shaped Sweden into what is arguably the most secular and individualistic nation in the world. He also writes weekly editorials in one of Sweden’s Christian dailies. Married, four children

Oliver Steiner

Diploma-Engineer Electrotechnology & Communications
IBM Certified Senior Project Manager PMP®, worldwide Security Development Projects
Executive Board Member Union for German Engineers VDI

Chairman of Christian Missionary Organizations “Ein Herz für Nationen e.V”
and “Immanuel International e.V.”

Nenad Radeka

Nenad Radeka is a church planter and Lead Pastor of Novi Sad Nexus Church in Serbia.
In 2003 Nenad and his wife founded “A Place for Me”, with the beautiful vision… to make abortion unthinkable. This pro-life NGO has helped hundreds of families through what is considered to be a time of crisis. A Place for Me has inspired others to open similar facilities in five out of six of the ex-Yugoslavian nations.

Dr. Adina Portaru

Dr. Adina Portaru serves as senior counsel, Europe, for ADF International in Belgium, where she leads the work of Brussels and Strasbourg teams with a particular focus on advocacy at the international organisations and institutions in Europe.



Human identity and the value of life.

11.00 – 12.00 registration, coffee
12.00 – 12.15 opening of the Conference
12.15-13.15 The sanctity of life (Nenad Radeka, Serbia)
13.20 -14.20 Life – What’s it worth? (Jeffrey Barrows, USA)
14.40 -15.40 How artificial intelligence affects humanity (Oliver Steiner, Germany)
15.45 -16.15 coffee break
16.15 – 17.45 Panel discussion “How much does human life cost in the 21st century?
18.00 – 21.00 Evening of NGO presentations

Under the influence of legislation, politics and science.

8.30 – 9.00 registration, coffee
9.10 – 10.10 European and international policy challenges on marriage and family issues (ADF International, Adina Portaru)
10.15 – 11.15 Secular individualism and the West – how it affects family and society. How the Bible worldview can be an alternative to Europe today. (Per Ewert, Sweden)
11.40 – 12.40 Defending freedom of speech and biblical view of human. (Päivi Maria Räsänen and Niilo Pekka Räsänen, Finland)
12.40 – 14.10 lunch break
14.15 – 15.15 Masculinity and femininity – what does neuroscience say about it? (Prof. Renee Echocard, France)
15.20 – 16.20 Medical and psycho-emotional problems that follow the concept of gender ideology. (Prof. Gintauts Vaitoska, Austria)
16.20 – 16.50 coffee break
16.50 – 18. 20 Panel discussion “Family – at the crossroads of society, politics and science”
18.20 – 18.30 closing


As some parts of the conference will be in Latvian a simultaneous translation from Latvian into English will be provided. To make it available, you will need:

  1. a charged smartphone;
  2. the “Interactio” app downloaded on the phone;
  3. a headset compatible with the phone.


  • A single room: 52 euros.
  • Double room: 57 euros.
    Breakfast is included!
    Please register for your hotel room via this email address: reservations@bellevue.lv
    Please indicate your participation in the conference
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